Three Peaks


Surrey Hills Expedition

  SAWUK > Three Peaks Challenges > Surrey > 31st August 2024  

A group expedition walking through the iconic Surrey countryside.

Raising funds to support our veteran and first responder communities.

Ayoola Bandele’s


Are you interested in joining us on this challenge?

Check out the information and plan below and submit your application to become a #1MillionMilesAthlete today.

The Package

Included in your entry fee of £80 will be:

  • SAWUK T-Shirt

  • Packed Lunch and water for the trail

  • Downloadable map via OS Maps

  • Certificate of completion 

  • Your place on the SAW UK website as a Million Miles Athlete

31st August 2024 

  • 07:00hrs Arrival at the start point - Arrive having already had breakfast

  • 07:15hrs Safety brief and collection of Lunch and water 

  • 07:30hrs Set off on the Expedition

  • Estimated 10 hours of walking

  • 18:00hrs Complete the Surrey 3 Peaks Challenge

  • Presentation of certificate of completion

  • Return home

The Route

To get a detailed view of the route, take a look by viewing this OS Map here.

Training for our Three Peaks Challenge. 

Consult a medical professional before beginning any new exercise routine. Listen to your body, and take regular rest days for recovery.

For all our challenge events, we strongly recommend considering how much training you will require. The Surrey 3 Peaks event will require a good level of endurance fitness -

It's 23 miles in one go with approx 1060 meters total ascent.  

We suggest considering your training in two parts - hillwalking, and a range of other exercises. Including hillwalking when possible will ultimately give you direct feedback on how your fitness is progressing to the level required.

If you're starting from a lower level of fitness, we suggest starting to be active and training as soon as possible.


Any local hillwalking where possible will be of great help - small hills lots of times will work well.

Also, use this time to get used to your walking boots and backpack.

Speed & Pace 

On our challenge, we're aiming for an average speed of between 3-6km per hour. 

We aim to be finished in 10 hours for this event.

Rest and eat well

Take regular rest days during training to let your body recover.

Reduce exercise during the last week before your challenge, so you're well rested for the challenge itself.

Consider your own ability

You know your body better than we will.

Please consider this when applying for a place on the challenge.

If you are injured in training, require special assistance and/or considerations for your mobility it may be worth having a conversation with us on a call.

We want to be inclusive and "yes" is the answer,

but we may have to consider the level of safety we can provide whilst you are with us, on the challenge. 

Kit & Equipment

We will not be providing kit and equipment for you.

Therefore you will need to take this into consideration.

Please pack accordingly for a day out on the trail and carry with you everything you will need.

Including wet weather gear.


It is vital that you adhere to the safety briefings and listen to the trail guide.

The hills can be a dangerous environment and the weather can change in a short time, even in the summer.

You will receive a mandatory kit list (further details to follow) and

it is essential you carry these items at all times on the trail. 

Your trail guide will carry an emergency first aid kit including an AED.

The emergency services will be called in the event of an emergency.

In the event of an emergency the event will come to a close and arrangements

will be made to return to Box Hill Car Park for debriefing and return home.

We reserve the right to withhold participation from the challenge at our discretion

if we feel there is a concern for your safety or the safety of others. 

Whilst out on the trail, there will be a mobile med pack and emergency first aid practitioner

with the group at all times. We don't want to scare anyone,

but do want to let you know your safety is our biggest concern.

We want an enjoyable and safe completion of the 3 Peaks Challenge. 

Are you interested in joining us on this challenge?

Check out the information and plan below and submit your application to become a #1MillionMilesAthlete today.