Bechtel - Million Miles Project

This is the free members area for BECHTEL Million Miles Project Athletes. Your organisation has signed up to complete 57,000 miles. What will you commit towards this target? Registration is easy and free, simply sign up and follow the prompts. Be sure to use the #1MillionMilesProject on all your training runs and your event.

“Quite early on we knew we had met an incredible person who cared just as much for our community as we did.” - SAW UK

Maxine Foxwell-Moss is the ES&H Coordinator at Bechtel’s site in Devonport. We connected via our LinkedIn profiles and started to discuss how we could help “her veterans”. We knew we had met an incredible person who cared just as much for our community as we did. The conversations have grown and the support is there in abundance. We are incredibly fortunate to have made such a powerful and loving connection with Maxine and BECHTEL. We know how much this means to you, and we look forward to growing this relationship and partnership through the years to come.

Sign up here to log your miles towards the
