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Discover Save A Warrior UK

Welcome to Save A Warrior UK, dedicated to veteran and first responder suicide prevention.

Learn about our growing friendship with Discover and how together we will make a lasting impact.

Scroll down to learn how we are making a difference together.

Discover Financial Services is a leading international financial organisation headquartered in Farnborough, UK.

Building on the tremendous success and support from the US division for Save A Warrior US, the UK branch has kindly offered similar support here in the UK.

Providing a level of support which has enabled SAW UK to launch forward with its plans for Cohort 0001.

The Discover Cohort.

Supporting our Veteran & First Responder Community

Why did they choose to help?

Discover Finacial Services was introduced to SAWUK via the SAW US team. After a short introduction and virtual meeting it was clear that there was a great alignment between SAW UK and Andrew Wilkes of Discover, based in Farnborough, UK. Andrew is a veteran himself and as part of his sentiment to care for the veteran network, and as part of the organisation’s commitment to be inclusive and supportive of the community, Andrew quickly suggested a partnership and offered a level of support that we are very grateful for.

Recorded & edited by James Helyar Productions - Contact Tom for introduction.




On the 22nd May 2024 Save A Warrior UK and Discover Financial Services completed a staggering 354 miles in 12 hours by Row, Bike and Run!

A magnificent event and chance for us to continue the growth of our friendship.

Check out the pictures below.

If you want to take part in your own MillionMilesProject get in touch.