May Newsletter
#SAWUK May Newsletter
Announcements in this newsletter.
Acknowledgments & thanks
Welcoming a new Million Miles Athlete
The Community of Compassion
How many businesses does it take to save 120 lives?
Thank you for your follow and your engagement, but not only this, thank you for your encouragement. This past month we have been meeting with some inspiring people and organisations. But first, we want to start off by telling you about a successful MillionMiles event completed by Cecilia Lang. She completed her 50 mile cycle event late last month and we are extremely grateful for her contribution to the overall target.
“I decided to choose a challenge which would stretch me and I wanted to be part of the million miles project. I thought a 50 mile cycle would be really fun. I think Save A Warrior UK is a very worthwhile new charity, and I am really glad I did such a challenging cycle ride to raise money for it.”
Support Cecilia's Million Miles Event Donate £1 per mile Donate We have also been speaking with like minded organisations that are just as committed to the transformation of their communities. These conversations start off with a “how can we help?” and finish with a lasting friendship and agreement to support one another through the future. Companies like:
The Arukha Project
Forseti Training Ltd
1st Computer Services
The individual's behind these names pour their heart and soul into what they do, and we are proud to be in alignment with them. Whether it be help with writing grants, providing a free Wim Hoff experience, medical equipment and training to help us deliver a safe cohort and event or providing valuable council and guidance at a time of need and giving permission to “think big”.
But let's not forget the alignment we have with Discover Financial Services and Andrew Wilkes, who is a veteran himself. They have not only generously donated to SAWUK to facilitate cohort 0001, but have also committed 36 men and women to the Million Miles Project with a 12 hour endurance event to help move the flag forward even further.
We have had help and assistance in so many more areas. One such way was the initiative which came from 1st Computer Services Director Stephen Dimon. He has kindly set up a monthly standing order payment to Save A Warrior UK. But he has also provided the following permission to think big - If you get enough businesses to donate just £200 a month, you will be able to deliver more cohorts a year and save more lives.
So here is "the ask."
We are asking those who are in a position to do so, to set up a standing order into Save A Warrior UK. The funds generated will grow the organisation and help us to accomplish our mission faster. We currently have a number of Veterans in our care awaiting the next available cohort. We want to reduce the waiting times to as small as possible and stop preventable suicides.
Let's do the math
£2500 per seat at our 3 day transformational experience and 500 day support package.
We have 10 seats available per cohort.
How many businesses do we need to get behind us to realise monthly rolling cohorts?
One hundred and twenty five.
125 business, pooling resources and becoming part of the SAWUK Community of Compassion. With this Community of Compassion all coming together and donating a small monthly amount, we can transform the lives of 120 warriors that attend, but also the families, friends and colleagues of those 120. Potentially 1000 people if not more, and that's this generation. Think about the lives of the children's children, who grow up with a parent who was happy, healthy, loving and alive. That's generational healing.
As one, we can make a difference. Not one individual, but one Community of Compassion.
Will you join other businesses in the SAWUK Community of Compassion?
Perhaps you know someone who may be willing to help.
If so please invite them to speak with us here at SAWUK.